Achieve Your Best Vision:
LAL+™️ with the new
Light Delivery Device!
Safe, Non-Invasive Post-Surgery Lens
Adjustments for Tailored Accuracy
Anesthetic eye drops are applied to numb the eye and prevent discomfort.
Incisions are created in the cornea to provide access to the lens capsule and allow insertion of surgical instruments.
A circular incision is made on the surface of the capsule that houses the lens.
The most popular method is phacoemulsification, which uses ultrasound energy to break the lens into tiny fragments that are gently sucked out of the eye.
After the bulk of the cataract is removed, small remnants of cataract material are aspirated out of the eye
The IOL is folded and carefully inserted into the capsule where it gently opens and settles into its functional position.
The incision is sealed and antibiotic eye drops are applied, if necessary.